Two-Year Old Class

As our one-year-olds transition into the two-year-old classroom we encourage more language and literacy. At this stage potty training is introduced. If parents are interested, they must go through the potty-training orientation first and fill out the goal sheet (at the front desk).

We want to create a safe and supportive environment for your toddler, they will also use their senses to explore materials, independently. Teachers will read a diverse range of stories to children. The books reflect the children's languages, cultures, and families. Are 2-year-olds enjoy moving and being active throughout the day, so coordination and gross motor skill are developed. Teachers model behaviors like sharing and apologizing so toddlers can learn social and emotional development. This give your child opportunities to try new social skills, includes memory, language, thinking, and reasoning. Classrooms are set up so toddlers can learn to how to solve problems by sorting objects, doing puzzles, taking things apart and fitting them back together, and so much more!