If you have questions about tuition and openings or want to schedule a visit, please send us an email at Bemissacademy@hotmail.com or visit our Facebook Page and Book a Tour.

Our Hours:

Monday – Friday: 6:45AM – 5:30PM
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

Our Address:

Bemiss Academy
5111 Bemiss Road
Valdosta, Ga. 31605


Donate A Book

A love of reading helps prepare children to succeed school and life. Your care and support and make a huge difference in the life of young child at Bemiss Academy. Make a donation: use the scholastics link and our CLASS CODE: J2FYG and use the

Make a Donation →

Parent Referral Program

The highest complaint our parents can pay us is the referral of a familiy for childcare or school education at Bemiss Academy. The trust and confidence that you place in us each and every day means a lot to us to Bemiss Academy. In appreciation, please take advantage of our referral reward program by recommending a friend, realative or family member to Bemiss Academy and receive ½ off week tutiton. Complete the parent referral form and give it to the program director.